tactless women

May 15, 2006

"How's your job going?" she asked me, holding her giggling baby, looking down despite her stature.


She nodded.

"Oh, I'm in school."

"You are? Where? … I didn't know that!"

[Small talk with group, then she turned to me.]

"So how old are you?"

I laughed. "Uh, 23."

"You are!?" Shocked, horrified, can-you-understand-what-this-means? look on her face.

"23 isn't old!" I said, somewhat condescendingly.

"Wow, you're really getting older, aren't you?" And her look said what many have thought: without marriage, you're incomplete.

What happened to Colossians?  

My summer opportunities keep falling through, and I'm left, now, with no options. I have no internship; the IRD position isn't available anymore; I'm unqualified for any well-paying temp position.

So with all my theological training, all my knowledge and relationship with the Holy One, I sit here worried out of my mind. I sit here thinking about money and comparing myself to other people. 

Lord, I know you have a specific, tangible plan for my life. You love me–you predestined me to be your child, you sent Jesus to die for me, you give me opportunities to serve you, and you will never fail me. Please provide for my summer, God. Please provide a job or an internship or something. I need direction.